What the Riff?!?

2020 — April: Episode 100 “Just the WTR Guys”

Episode Summary

What do you do when you celebrate your 100th podcast episode, but you have to be socially-distanced? You Zoom it. And you make it a little different. We’ve been doing this for two years, and thought you might enjoy learning a little bit about the voices behind What the Riff?!? — so this is an interview (with no music). There is also a video you can find on Rob's YouTube channel. Link is below.

Episode Notes

If you want to see some grainy footage, this 100th Episode is also available on YouTube.  It’s a recorded Zoom call, with a few graphics and photos from the studio. 

Wayne discusses the genesis of the idea


Bruce discusses research and blogging


Brian discusses how we all came together


Rob discusses the technical aspects of the podcast

Each of us discuss our favorite band, songs that are stuck in our heads, hobbies, day jobs, families, and other words of … wisdom?....


We are so grateful for our fans, and we appreciate you downloading this and the other shows. We are especially thankful for our friends who have been with us since episode #1, and we look forward to the next 100.